Dates & Times vary; refer to program descriptions (scroll down)
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August 2012 – February 2013 

Perhaps no image of the Chesapeake Bay is more enduring than that of a waterman heading into the sunrise, the sharp bow of his bright white workboat slicing the glimmering water, his radio blaring as he listens to his friends discuss the day’s work ahead. Living in small, tightly knit waterfront communities, these men (and a few women) help define the very essence of the Chesapeake. A Bay without watermen would be diminished, a place without a part of its soul.

Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network: Watermen of the Chesapeake Bay



August 17, 2012 – February 24, 2013

Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Marc Castelli: The Art of the Waterman, an exhibit of spectacular watercolor paintings by renowned Chesapeake Bay artist, Marc Castelli, that speak to the artist’s intimate knowledge of watermen, their boats and equipment, and the environment in which they work.  The works are on loan from the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, the Simison Collection. 


Sunday, September 9, 2-4:00 pm
Calvert Marine Museum/ Lore Oyster House
Cruise on the Dee of St. Mary’s with Captain Jack Russell. Skipjacks are one of the iconic Chesapeake workboats and the Dee is one of the few remaining skipjacks built on the Western Shore. Cost is $20 per person; pre-registration required. Call 410-326-2042 ext. 41.


September 14, 2012 – January 4, 2013
Calvert Marine Museum
Opening of Endangered Species: Watermen of the Chesapeake, a temporary exhibit featuring the black-and-white photography of Glen McClure on loan from the Mariner’s Museum, along with original photographs by A. Aubrey Bodin from the museum’s collection. September 14, 7 – 9:00 pm, Exhibit talk by Glen McClure in the auditorium at 7:00 pm followed by a preview of the exhibit; cash bar. Free admission.


September 15, 1-4 pm
Calvert Marine Museum/ Lore Oyster House
Experience life and work in an oyster packing house, use oyster tongs, work in the shucking room and sing work songs from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Learn about oyster biology and how to help restore Crassostrea virginica from the Southern Maryland Oyster Cultivation Society. Dockside tours of the Dee of St. Mary’s. FREE


September 21 – October 19, 2012   EXTENDED TO Nov. 5, 2012!
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Hidden Midden: a community eco-art project
Join visiting artist Kaitlin Pomerantz, as she creates an eco-sculpture inspired by oyster middens - the giant piles of oyster shells created as a result of the domestic activity of pre-colonial Native American communities.  Kaitlin’s eco-sculpture will explore the destruction of oyster middens during the 20th century for construction projects and the cultural and environmental impact of their loss. 

Saturday & Sunday, October 6-7, 2012, 10am-5pm
Calvert Marine Museum
The 35th annual Patuxent River Appreciation Days celebrates all things about the culture and heritage of the Patuxent River. This year there is a special focus on the culture of the watermen, with members of the Calvert County Watermen’s Association serving as the parade Grand Marshall on Sunday.


Saturday, November 17, 1:30-4:00pm
Comparative Gallery Talk – Calvert Marine Museum & Annmarie Garden
Pete Lesher, Curator of Exhibits, Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, will discuss the Endangered Species: Chesapeake Watermen photography exhibit at the Marine Museum from 1:30 – 2:30.  The group will reconvene at Annmarie Garden for a talk on Marc Castelli: The Art of the Waterman from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.  Refreshments will be served.  $10 fee.

Registration required for this program, to register, call 410-326-4640; email; or click here to download form


Saturday, January 19, 2013, 1:00-3:00pm
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Waterman Photography Slide Show & Talk
Artist Marc Castelli, will present a talk and slide show of his photography, A Year on the Water, August 2011-August 2012.  With images ranging from Bohemia River to Tangier Island, Mr. Castelli will discuss the Chesapeake Bay, the watermen and their harvest through the year, and the conditions and circumstances in which they work.  $5/person; pay at door, reservation are not required. 


Saturday, February 9, 1:00-3:00 pm
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Chesapeake Foodways Talk & Demonstration
Michael W. Twitty, well-known food historian, will present a mouth-watering talk and demonstration of Chesapeake Bay Foodways from an African-American Perspective.  $5/person; pay at door, reservations are not required. 




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