Imagine the Future of Annmarie's 50 Acre Campus!



Greetings Friends!  We are pleased to present the Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center Long-Range Expansion Plan.  



Thousands of hours of work by many people as part of this effort—staff, volunteers, consultants, experts, government, and community members—produced an ambitious vision for the future of Annmarie Garden that delivers significant benefits for the citizens of Calvert County, for the larger Southern Maryland area, and for all of our tens of thousands of visitors from near and far.

We could never have developed a plan this comprehensive and transformative without that help and support from so many people and organizations over the many months it this project required. Ann’s Circle, Inc. and the Koenig Private Foundation wish to acknowledge and thank so many of you for your contributions to the success of this project.



  • The creative team at Mahan Rykiel Associates, Inc. (MRA), our Maryland landscape architecture and planning contractor, along with GWWO Architects for their building design assistance.
  • MRA’s project manager Scott Scarfone, PLA, for his guidance, wise counsel, and capable coaching throughout the process.
  • The State of Maryland General Assembly for providing funding for this process through the legislative bond initiative, making a truly great investment for Southern Maryland’s future cultural and economic growth.
  • The staff of Calvert County, with whom we are happy to be partners in the operation and sustainment of Annmarie Gardens and who helped us to understand the unique requirements and constraints of the waterfront property.
  • The many Annmarie Garden volunteers, members, donors, visitors, neighbors, and gardening professionals that shared with us their expertise, thoughts, and ideas.
  • The very capable and dedicated Annmarie Garden’s staff, led by Ms. Stacey Hann-Ruff, whose ideas and operational understanding were foundational to our vision and whose innovation and hard work has led to the success the Garden now enjoys.
  • Our Strategic Development Committee, led by Ms. Cari DeSantis, who saw this project through from start to finish, kept us on track, overcame obstacles as they arose, and invested a great amount of their own time and energy in doing so.

June 2024


Questions about the plan?  Please email  Thank you!


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