BEFORE you register for a class, please review our REGISTRATION POLICIES below


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General Registration Policies - please read before registering for a class!  

A Welcoming Environment - Annmarie Garden is committed to connecting people to art and nature. Through a variety of engaging classes and workshops, the Studio School opens up opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and reflection. The School seeks to provide an open and welcoming atmosphere for all ages and abilities.   No student will be denied admission to the School on the basis of race, sex, or ethnic origin.

Self-sustaining program – please carefully review our policies before registering for a class.  Our Studio School is a self-sustaining program, meaning that registration fees must cover all operational expenses.  To this end, we have developed policies that will ensure our ongoing sustainability.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call the Director at 410-326-4640.  Interesting in underwriting the Studio School, contact

Refunds/Withdrawls- full tuition payment must be made to reserve your place in a class. All registrations are final, no refunds.  Failure to attend classes will not result in a refund.

Cancelations - we work hard to market our classes using press releases, social media, etc., but sometimes we still do not reach our minimum enrollment.  Unfortunately, when this happens, we have no choice but to cancel the class.  If this happens, we will try and give you as much notice as possible, and full tuition will be refunded within the following three weeks. These cancelations may be made at the last moment and students are notified by telephone or email. Annmarie Garden reserves the right to change instructors, class structure, or to discontinue any class without incurring obligations.

Age requirements for adults classes - in order to register for adult classes, students must be 18 years of age. Younger students may petition the Curator of Public Programs, or the Director, for permission to enroll in an adult class or workshop. No one, including children of the instructor or children of the students, is allowed in the studios during class unless they are enrollees or have visitor permission from the Director of Annmarie Garden.

Age requirements for youth classes – many of our youth classes stipulate an age requirement which reflects the developmental stage we believe is needed to enjoy and succeed in the class.  If a parent or guardian would like to register a child for a class that does not match their age, please contact the Curator of Public Programs to discuss your request.  Please note that only registered students are allowed in a classroom during a class.  If a parent or guardian would like to observe a class, you must seek permission from the Curator of Public Programs; unauthorized observers or unregistered children, will be asked to leave. 

Class/Workshop Supply List where applicable, you will receive a supply list with your confirmation of enrollment. Please come to the first class or workshop prepared to work.

Code of Conduct - In order to provide students, members, visitors and staff with a safe and supportive educational environment, Annmarie Garden reserves the right to refuse to retain any student exhibiting disruptive or unacceptable behavior in any course at any time without incurring obligations.

MembershipMembers enjoy discounts on all classes and workshops. Please consider becoming a member - your contributions help support Annmarie Garden’s operations and programs.

Special Needs and Accessibility –If you need to request an accommodation for a student with a disability, please call the Garden office at 410.326.4640.

By registering for class(es), users are agreeing to the above terms and conditions.

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