Ann's Circle, Inc.

What is Ann's Circle
Ann's Circle, Inc., is the 501 c 3, non-profit organization that supports the many programs and activities of Annmarie, including the membership and volunteer programs. The membership program opens the door to a variety of exciting benefits, including free admission to the award-winning Arts Building and the sculpture garden, as well as free or discounted tickets to Annmarie events, and early bird access to classes and summer camps. With these and other benefits to look forward to, membership in Ann's Circle is a wonderful way to support Annmarie and gain access to some exceptional opportunities! Enjoy everything that Annmarie Garden has to offer and join today!
Current Board Members
Lee Woodfin, President Scott Russey, Vice President Todd Capitani, Treasurer Pamela Teague, Secretary Francine Clark Cari DeSantis Lisa Garner Stacey Hann-Ruff Tommy Higgins Greg Kernan Carolyn McHugh Chris McNelis Laurie Uherek Linda Turner, ex officio Evelyn S. Hungerford, ex officio Gene McHugh, ex officio
Diane L. Haderly Evelyn S. Hungerford Dr. Richard Fleming Michael D. Frederick