Dancing on Joy's Horizon0      2012 Summer Public Art Project
Developed & Facilitated by Dale Wayne

Creativity Recycled!

Help create a bottle blossom tree                    detail of a bottle blossom

During the summer of 2012, hundreds of guests worked with artist Dale Wayne to help create Dancing on Joy's Horizon, a glittery forest of bottle blossom trees. Made from plastic bottles salvaged from the Appeal Landfill, the bottle blossom trees will grow over the course of the summer as guests of all ages add their painted and glittery blossoms to the trees. 


Dancing on Joy's Horizon

I love the transforming power of play and give my materials breathing room to surprise me so that my finished pieces have a life and opinion of their own. That is why I enjoy involving the public in creating my installations. It pushes me to the brink of an unknown which is both terrifying and exhilarating. Invariably, someone or nature itself, will come up with a new twist and the unexpected is there for me to embrace.

I am fueled by color. When I paint, work in glass, or sculpt with recycled plastic, color leads me to a wonderful satisfying solitude. I hope that my installations create a space that passes along that experience.

I love how movement brings things to life: the wind catching a swirl of plastic making it flutter. The sunlight dancing along a trail of glitter creating a mini-light show. My favorite holiday is arbor day and I am thrilled that my installation will incorporate and be amongst trees. I borrow from the tradition of bottle trees. Its roots in Africa, the tradition of hanging colorful bottles in trees can still be seen in the deep south. The colorful bottles are thought to mesmerize and capture evil spirits. My bottles are opened, representing paradise where there are no evil spirits and all of the spirits are free.

I find the concept of things not being as they seem, especially when it comes to recycled materials, delightful. That trash can be transformed into art embodies hope. Ultimately, my work is about the tension between struggle and beauty, the hope on that horizon. It is that joy I strive to have the public experience both in the process and in the finished work.


To learn more about Dale and all her creations, visit http://dalewayne.com/  




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