Mar 1 2021 - May 31 2021


Tales of Tails

Due to falling ice and limbs, the Fairy Lolly remains closed today. The trails are now open.  The Arts Building is open from 11am- 5pm as we celebrate the opening of our newest Gallery Show, On Paper: printmaking, book arts, and beyond.  Visit the galleries, make a flag as part of our community art project, and grab an Artlab To Go kit to take home and get creative! 

Mar 25 2021
9:30- 10:30 am

Join Evolve Yoga + Wellness instructors at Annmarie Garden for a safe, socially-distanced yoga practice! Classes will be held indoors until the weather warms and we are able to move outside. Masks must be worn at all time.

Mar 23 2021
9:30- 10:30 am

Join Evolve Yoga + Wellness instructors at Annmarie Garden for a safe, socially-distanced yoga practice! Classes will be held indoors until the weather warms and we are able to move outside. Masks must be worn at all times.

Mar 18 2021
9:30- 10:30 am

Join Evolve Yoga + Wellness instructors at Annmarie Garden for a safe, socially-distanced yoga practice! Classes will be held indoors until the weather warms and we are able to move outside. Masks must be worn at all times.

Mar 16 2021 - 5:30pm
9:30- 10:30 am

Join Evolve Yoga + Wellness instructors at Annmarie Garden for a safe, socially-distanced yoga practice! Classes will be held indoors until the weather warms and we are able to move outside. Masks must be worn at all times.

Join us Friday mornings outside in the park for gently guided nature walks as we investigate the forests and fields at Annmarie. Led by Hester, our staff naturalist, these walks will be lightly themed, but will allow children to investigate and discover all kinds of wonders.
Join us Friday mornings outside in the park for gently guided nature walks as we investigate the forests and fields at Annmarie.
Join us Friday mornings outside in the park for gently guided nature walks as we investigate the forests and fields at Annmarie. Led by Hester, our staff naturalist, these walks will be lightly themed, but will allow children to investigate and discover all kinds of wonders.

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