Annmarie Garden will be closed on December 24, 2013.


Annmarie Garden will be closed on November 28, 2013 for Thanksgiving.

Halloween in the Garden Clean-Up -- Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween vendors only.

Annmarie Garden will be closed to the public for event clean-up.

Artsfest Clean-Up - Monday, Sept. 23, 2013

Artsfest vendors only.

Annmarie Garden will be closed to the public for Artsfest clean-up.

Artsfest Prep Day - Friday, Sept. 20, 3013

Artsfest vendors only. 

Annmarie Garden will be closed to the public for Artsfest preparation.


Annmarie Garden will be closed on July 4, 2013.


Annmarie Garden will be closed on Easter Day, March 31, 2013.

Aug 16 2013 - Jan 5 2014


Annmarie After Hours Reception - Friday, August 16, 2013, 6-9pm


Contributing Artist(s): 
Sally Woods Alexandres, Kathleen Benton, Barbara Boward, Ann Compton, Ann Crain, Erica Daley, Matalie Griffin Rivard Deane, Constance Harris Deise, Mary Del Bianco, Linda Epstein, Melinda Fabian, Robert Fiacco, Leslie Giles, Carolyn E. Guest, Kelly L. Hendrickson, Josephine Hodos, Beverly Jackson, Phyliss Jaffe, Terry Jordan, Julia Kindred, Candance Law, Mimi Little, Janet Grahame Nault, Carrie Perman, John A. Schaffner, J. Luray Schaffner, Suzanne Shelden, Megan Richard, Rosa Valladares, Jennifer Weigel, Deborah Weir, John Zimet, Julie Zirlin
Oct 18 2013 - Jan 12 2014

Annmarie After Hours Reception - Friday, October 18, 2013

If laughter is the best medicine, then this exhibit might be just what the doctor ordered.  This exhibit will make you chuckle, snort, guffaw, and laugh out loud - and decrease stress and boost your immune system!

Contributing Artist(s): 
Alice Abrams, Robert Adams, Jack Azar, Joe Boddy, Marly Boddy, Robin Campo, Emma Chandler, Maryellen Cox, Candy Cummings, Jared Davis, Rick Delano, Maureen Foster, Jim Harman, Mariel Herring, Christine Hubloue, Janice Wilson Hughes, Bruce Humphries, Bill Iles, Carrie Johnson, Mary Mahoney, Steve Mardo, Alan Richards, Keary Rosen, Garrett Slapper, Steve Straun, Ron Testa, Peter Tucker, Hans Van Meeuwen
Jun 7 2013 - Aug 18 2013

Annmarie After Hours Reception - Friday, June 7, 6-9pm

Contributing Artist(s): 
Jan Acton, David Berry, Beryl Brenner, Rob Brownlee-Tomasso, Kelly Parisi Castro, Albert Chmelar, Jeff Chyatte, Ann Crain, Erica Daley, C. S. Deck, Mary Del Bianco, Alexandria Donovan, Karen Cauvin Eustis, Tom Ferrero, Benjamin Gage, Lori Goodman, Sarah House, Junichiro Ishida, Alexanna Padilla Johnson, Tom Karson, Doug Land, Mimi Little, Adam Long, Duncan MacDiarmid, Jonathan Mayers, Dan McGregor, Marla McLean, Mary Mihelic, Sandi Ritchie Miller, Susan Moran, Susan Oakes, Pokey Park, Patricia Steele Raible, Jeff Repko, John A. Schaffner, Suzanne Shelden, Monte Shelton, Natalie Strum, SIPLA + NEWSAM Studio, Darlene Williams Towson, Amy Vaughters, Pamela Pierson Voorhees, Julian Voss-Andreae, Marydorsey Wanless, Terry Ward, Richard Whitehill, Garrett Zopfi

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