This page has projects you can make at home with everyday objects!
You'll find projects for all ages!


Planter - Soon all of us will have these empty containers around. Consider giving them a facelift and making a hanging planter! A few quick cuts with an xacto knife and some fun embellishments and you have a new piece of whimsy for your home. We used a sharpie and ribbon on ours.

A quick google search for “detergent bottle planters” will give you all the inspiration you need.


Marionette - Stop! Don’t throw away those empty TP tubes! Challenge your kids to turn them in to an art project using basic household supplies.

Follow the link below for several project ideas, including Instructions on how to build this marvelous marionette!


Silly sock puppets! - All you need are scissors, a hot glue gun, a few household items, and some creativity. Ours uses one long sock, 2 bottle caps, 1 cereal box, and an old t-shirt. 

Puppet tutorial:

Turn T-shirt into “yarn” for hair:


Egg Carton Color Hunt - This project is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers! This is a great way to explore the outdoors, but these reusable “games” are great for indoor challenges, too. 

We used paint, but you can use markers, crayons, or paper scraps from the recycling bin.  Read more here:
Instant Art Studio - Stuck at home with restless kids and no art supplies? Let them help you create an instant art room with these quick easy DIYs using common household items. Truly your own ArtLAB at home!
Easy glue recipe:

Apron from old jeans (for a quicker version, just use glue gun or safety pins for the ties and eliminate decorative elements!):


Aluminum Can Flowers

Is your recycling starting to overflow? Grab the aluminum soda cans and get creative with this easy project.



Make a Board Game!

Are the kids getting tired of their toys and games? Challenge them to invent their own board game using a cereal box and markers. Tutorial here:

Make a Fairy House Night Light!
It’s fairy season at AMG and while you may not be able to see our fairy house exhibit yet, you can make these fun fairy house night lights at home. Just grab a plastic bottle from your recycling bin and follow the tutorial below. No paint or craft supplies? Take a walk outside and find bits of nature to add to your house instead!
Cardboard Wall Art
Need something to occupy your toddler or preschooler? Let them make and decorate a cardboard art wall. Use finger paints, watercolors, or the DIY paint recipe we shared a few days ago. Take it outside or prop it up in the empty bathtub for easy clean up!


T-shirt Braided Rug
While you’re spring cleaning, set aside all those old tshirts and turn them into an an easy and functional rug for your home. Enlist the kids to help find, cut, and pull the tshirts into yarn. Let them choose the colors to braid together. A perfect weekend project!
Hint: Make it easier by skipping the sewing step. Connect the braids by tying knots with yarn, string, or embroidery floss instead.


Make a Bird Feeder

This one’s for our feathered friends! Grab a milk or juice carton from the recycle bin and turn it into a colorful bird feeder.  Follow the quick and easy tutorial here:



Make a Shiny Masterpiece with Foil!

Make a shiny metal masterpiece with simple supplies from home! Grab a piece of cardboard, yarn, glue, markers, and foil and follow the tutorial below! 

Make a Spring Basket!

Need a basket this weekend? Don’t stress! Grab an empty water jug and follow one of the tutorials below! great for Easter, spring organizing, or planting. Choose your difficulty level and let the kids help!


Wall Art

By now we’ve all amassed several empty TP tubes. Cut them to pieces and turn them into wall art!  Find basic instructions and inspiration below.


Toddler Fun

Need a calming activity for your active toddler?  These ideas use nothing more than a simple roll of masking tape or painters tape! 

Paper Bead Jewelry
Turn your junk mail into colorful jewelry! Old magazines or books work well for this activity too. Follow the tutorial below and show us your awesome new accessory.



Instant Super Hero

Grab those empty juice bottles and juice pouches and turn your kid into a superhero! Let them decorate their accessories with paint, markers, stickers, and Tape, then they can zoom around the yard and burn off some energy.  Follow the tutorials below!
Make a Garden Sculpture
Turn your empty food cans into a charming piece of garden art! Punch a few holes with a hammer and nail, assemble with wire or twine, and let the kids decorate with paint and other found objects.  Follow the tutorial below. 
Let's Build Something!
Need an activity for your older elementary-aged kids? Challenge them to build a structure they can sit inside using only newspaper and tape! See the simple DIY and examples at the link below.
Turn empty water bottles into a colorful piece of garden art! Grab a stick, some scissors, and some sharpies or acrylic paint and follow the tutorial below!  

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