May 2017
Apr 7 2017 - May 29 2017
Fairy Lolly Children's Fairy Garden Outdoor Exhibit
April 7 - May 29, 2017 in the Fairy Lolly
Come frolic in the Fairy Lolly and explore our magical village of fairy houses and gnome homes, each lovingly created by children.
Contributing Artist(s):
Girl Scout Troop #6204, Elanor & Robert Knight, Josephina & Jessica Wonneman, Kyra Coppins, Girl Scout Troop #4678, Hannah, Celia, & Alexandra Shea, Katy & Charlotte Ford, Brownie Troop #6737, Tidewater School Elementary Class, Brownie Troop #5060, Aria, Patrick Solemeto & Vandanna Kapoor, Layla, Kelly Gearhart and Evan Ognen, Lucas, Amelia, Aubrey Signorelli & Sandra Easton, Kayleigh Coppins-Dutton, Girl Scout Troop 4542, Jaxon Swift, Avery, Drew Willkening & Elizabeth Hickman & Ryan Auld