January 2013

May 3 2013 - Oct 14 2013


Contributing Artist(s): 
Chris & Jan Goudreau, Liz Stoffel & Granddaughters, Makayla Seay & Linda Bracey, Brenda W. Elmore & Kylie D. Elmore, Jay & Drew Pawloski, Will & Edie Kaylor, Madeline, Sarah & Tommy Chen, Dowell Elementary Green Team, Letitia Clem-McLanahan & Linda Clem, Daisy Troop 1486, The Calo Family, Rachel, Ben, & Jo Povall, Luke & Eva Thompson, The Pouncey Family, Carolyn Schindler, Ann Crain, Lily, Gabby, Matt, & Sarah Lester, Caitlin & Abigail Maple, Robyn Strayer, Lilah Shepherd, Holly Budd, Janelle Black & Paulette Celebre, Jim Langley, Cissy Langley, The Van Abbema Family, Karen Nelson, Art & Silmarien Grinath, Linda Brooks Crandall, Carole Purcell & Ken Spring, Andrea Kroll & Susan Moe, The Town Creek Garden Club, Grandy, Joan, & Sharon McDonagh, Julie Allinson & Shannon Twig, Mark & Dona Baker, The Children Of Prime Time Chidren’s and Youth Activity Center, Ed & Linda Rupard & Family, Stacey & Addy Ruff, Lucy Paskoff, John Schaffner, Courtney Shelden & Friends, David, Luke, & Will Porter, & Audra Kelly, Suzanne Shelden, Deb McClure, Joanne Paskoff, Candy Cummings, Jaimie Jeffrey, Jenna, Anna & Liz Roros, H. L. Langley III, Chloe & Noah Donnells, Francis Vanish, Megan & Mackenzie Dinopoulos, The Kachurak Family, Mickey Kunkle, Kip Baker & Jimmy Cintron, Melissa Langley, J. Luray Schaffner, Debbie & Don Erb, Alaina Stonestreet, The Seay Family
Nov 16 2013 - Jan 5 2014

The 6th Annual Ornament Show & Sale
November 16, 2013 - January 5, 2014

(closed Nov. 28 & Dec. 24, 25 & Jan. 2)

Contributing Artist(s): 
Artists’ Trees - Jesse and Reghina Allen, Elizabeth Carpenter, Myra Copus Studio, Nauecho Melton, Melinda Fabian, Frosted Trash- Julie O’Brien, Fusin’4 Fun- Carol Sontheimer, Madelyn Garris Mary Anne Graham, Joan Hines, Beverly Jackson, Mack Wire- Devin Mack, Megan Richard, Frances Vanish, Yandong Wang, Wine Bottle Art- Carol Lundquist, Shamrock Hill Designs- Carey Young; Staff and Volunteer Tree - Brenda Elmore, Melissa Langley, Jimmy Langley, Norma LeVally, Chelsea Anspach, JoAnne and Lucy Paskoff, Fran Hammersla, Carole Purcell, Carol Lawson, Stacey Hann-Ruff, Jessayln Walters, Jaimie Jeffrey, Gina McCullough, Ann Preston, Robyn Strayer; artLAB Tree – a collection of volunteers & staff
Mar 15 2013 - Mar 24 2013

Members of the Color & Lights Society will host a spring show and sale featuring paintings, sculpture, watercolors, and more.


Annmarie After Hours Reception - Friday, March 15, 5-8pm


Contributing Artist(s): 
Pamela Allen, Carole Thieme, Hana Horstkamp, Ann Preston, Rex Miller, Elizabeth Bygler, Mary Ida Rolape, Carol Wathen, Iris Hall Willey, Kay Duvall, Karen Szachnitowski
Aug 16 2013 - Jan 5 2014


Annmarie After Hours Reception - Friday, August 16, 2013, 6-9pm


Contributing Artist(s): 
Sally Woods Alexandres, Kathleen Benton, Barbara Boward, Ann Compton, Ann Crain, Erica Daley, Matalie Griffin Rivard Deane, Constance Harris Deise, Mary Del Bianco, Linda Epstein, Melinda Fabian, Robert Fiacco, Leslie Giles, Carolyn E. Guest, Kelly L. Hendrickson, Josephine Hodos, Beverly Jackson, Phyliss Jaffe, Terry Jordan, Julia Kindred, Candance Law, Mimi Little, Janet Grahame Nault, Carrie Perman, John A. Schaffner, J. Luray Schaffner, Suzanne Shelden, Megan Richard, Rosa Valladares, Jennifer Weigel, Deborah Weir, John Zimet, Julie Zirlin
Oct 18 2013 - Jan 12 2014

Annmarie After Hours Reception - Friday, October 18, 2013

If laughter is the best medicine, then this exhibit might be just what the doctor ordered.  This exhibit will make you chuckle, snort, guffaw, and laugh out loud - and decrease stress and boost your immune system!

Contributing Artist(s): 
Alice Abrams, Robert Adams, Jack Azar, Joe Boddy, Marly Boddy, Robin Campo, Emma Chandler, Maryellen Cox, Candy Cummings, Jared Davis, Rick Delano, Maureen Foster, Jim Harman, Mariel Herring, Christine Hubloue, Janice Wilson Hughes, Bruce Humphries, Bill Iles, Carrie Johnson, Mary Mahoney, Steve Mardo, Alan Richards, Keary Rosen, Garrett Slapper, Steve Straun, Ron Testa, Peter Tucker, Hans Van Meeuwen
Jun 7 2013 - Aug 18 2013

Annmarie After Hours Reception - Friday, June 7, 6-9pm

Contributing Artist(s): 
Jan Acton, David Berry, Beryl Brenner, Rob Brownlee-Tomasso, Kelly Parisi Castro, Albert Chmelar, Jeff Chyatte, Ann Crain, Erica Daley, C. S. Deck, Mary Del Bianco, Alexandria Donovan, Karen Cauvin Eustis, Tom Ferrero, Benjamin Gage, Lori Goodman, Sarah House, Junichiro Ishida, Alexanna Padilla Johnson, Tom Karson, Doug Land, Mimi Little, Adam Long, Duncan MacDiarmid, Jonathan Mayers, Dan McGregor, Marla McLean, Mary Mihelic, Sandi Ritchie Miller, Susan Moran, Susan Oakes, Pokey Park, Patricia Steele Raible, Jeff Repko, John A. Schaffner, Suzanne Shelden, Monte Shelton, Natalie Strum, SIPLA + NEWSAM Studio, Darlene Williams Towson, Amy Vaughters, Pamela Pierson Voorhees, Julian Voss-Andreae, Marydorsey Wanless, Terry Ward, Richard Whitehill, Garrett Zopfi
Apr 1 2013 - Sep 1 2013

Home Tweet Home: art for the birds
April 1- September 1, 2013

Contributing Artist(s): 
Julie A. Allinson, Mark & Dona Baker, Barbara Boward, Girl Scout Troop #641, Ridge Daisy Troop #5494, Rosie Click, Ann Crain, Emily Davis, Dowell Elementary School Green Team, Brenda & Kylie Elmore, Diana Manchak, Sharon McDonagh, Joan McDonagh -Grandy with Kelsey, Katelyn & Kyleigh Grandy, Emma I & Lyra K. Nazario-De La Torre, Logan & Ken Patton, Jennifer Pizzillo, Ann Preston, Richard Preston, J. LUray Schaffner, John A. Schaffner, Cannon Leigh Studio-Joshua Sloan & Veronica Hunter, Dana Shepherd, Stacey & Addy Ruff, Robert Tejchman, Stacey Tejchman, The Children of Prime Time Children's & Youth Activity Center
Apr 5 2013 - May 19 2013

Annmarie After Hours Reception, Friday, April 5, 2013, 6-9pm

Contributing Artist(s): 
Hillary Fayle, Sarah Houde, Diana Manchak, Kay Collins, Barbara Rushworth, Jimmy Cintron, Mickey Kunkle, Liz Printz, Holly Cook, Robert Tomassa, Colleen Lochausen, Ann Crain, Devin Mack, Carole Thieme, Mary Blumberg, Suzanne Shelden, Giada Crispiels, Bev Jackson, Candy Cummings, Carol Waite and Mimi Little
Jan 18 2013 - Mar 10 2013

Annmarie's Main Gallery will be transformed into artist studio space from January 18 through March 24, 2013, during The Living Gallery. More than 20 artists, including painters, sculptors, ceramicists, and others, will set up their studios and work in the gallery. Guests are invited to observe the artistic process, and if desired, talk with the artists about their work. Questions about any aspect of the artistic process - techniques, tools, materials, subject, and inspiration – are highly encouraged.

Contributing Artist(s): 
Hillary Fayle, Sarah Houde, Diana Manchak, Kay Collins, Barbara Rushworth, Jimmy Cintron, Mickey Kunkle, Liz Printz, Holly Cook, Robert Tomassa, Colleen Lochausen, Ann Crain, Devin Mack, Carole Thieme, Mary Blumberg, Suzanne Shelden, Giada Crispiels, Bev Jackson, Candy Cummings, Carol Waite and Mimi Little

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