September 2010
Ms. Bryna M. Freyer, Curator of Collections, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution
Dr. Margaret A. Palmer, Director, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Detail of We Are Not Robots, digital photograph, 2010 by Jordan Satow, text/message
text/message: a teen art exhibit
Facebook Exhibition: October 1, 2010 - January 30, 2011 EXTENDED to March 13, 2011
Annmarie Exhibition: November 13, 2010 - January 30, 2011 EXTENDED to March 13, 2011
Awards Reception: December 5, 2010, 5-7pm, Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
This exhibit is funded in part by the Seahorses by the Bay Project, Sue Apple, Chair
text/message showcases the talent, creativity, and perspectives of today's teen culture communicated through photography, painting, sculpture, music, poetry, watercolor, mixed media, and more. Seventy works of art were chosen for this thought-provoking and engaging exhibit. Annmarie visitors will be asked to cast their vote for People's Choice Awards and Teen Choice Awards.